Florida Community College at Jacksonville— Telecourses are perfect for your bu V ‘ schedule. You watch the lessons at ome and wedneSdaya January 7 .only come to campus for testing. Turn to page 19 for the complete schedule. For more information on Telecourses call: 633-8281 ‘r NON PROFIT ORG. US. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT No, 3804 Jacksonville. F|a. Florida Community College at Jacksonville 501 West State Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 — 4030 oowm'owu NORTH 1701 w. STATE 51’. 4501 CAPPER no. 633-8230 757-6201 scum KENT 11901 BEACH BLVD. ROOSEVELT BLVD. 645-2304 387-8250 , OCR Text: Florida Community College at Jacksonville— Telecourses are perfect for your bu V ‘ schedule. You watch the lessons at ome and wedneSdaya January 7 .only come to campus for testing. Turn to page 19 for the complete schedule. For more information on Telecourses call: 633-8281 ‘r NON PROFIT ORG. US. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT No, 3804 Jacksonville. F|a. Florida Community College at Jacksonville 501 West State Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 — 4030 oowm'owu NORTH 1701 w. STATE 51’. 4501 CAPPER no. 633-8230 757-6201 scum KENT 11901 BEACH BLVD. ROOSEVELT BLVD. 645-2304 387-8250 , Z ArchiveInABox,JAX,JAX Shipment #9,Schedules,Winter 1987 College Credit Class Schedule,P01.tif, P01.tif



