33/Rint/»?47% 7,1 A¢tram)4941/*9t641' C Y UP " : 42';f'.IN.'54767f,.4'.,31* «Sude*in,1965£16£8 1 F i'f(t;:3.2 fR«Pjgt}92·*0.£4!t.:,'·P*, f,te:€•i/- . tnith>Early ?AIt11:11.i g·:i29@*:54*+SA' ; manpuleam re:447>--Vt·11.1 *./.-r - W.,%'flf;,iti<*fo .t-1,2149' I- i 'TJ#tUM - ¢.:/·A· I.•l e-·'74-:I. 03 :, ilres>,Of' M913**r,SPeninaulh- lil -2 4,4-61*UAd,11®6.:Aftlj,f.-the,28'60thE .?·.:3'-Williak:hifieldiddiamith,D,to whoi 3;.-J th'4*9,',-6144?i.inif"dfidif adifj 4 64496,,7:e,it#-354@KE. j;6ai®(I ·7:it little-beh-ch,''passpd·'awayan.alloc: ..r,· #re-kt:61*44*brta·iloni64££64,;i .5. &'ll#i#0*100§14 2-,4 33,':allenE·'.-0 'rId 'was'bor*6y»bdi?2 :.h'z -41859,-,ih - San-/ju2,»fitist«aN '.4'dameiiin ·1864 to :Mont@r&*446*e 9-' his lather,:thetlate}Ualnes ··Benhet r-:i<:Smiof>¢it%¢ 5,86 ),ixtR -sheAki ·'.1 --of:Monterey*Collnty,,iwith Billy ... 2 Bafpdsitioi he blast&d | out the Fock/and Where there had bekn a littlh· touglf '. shed for a . , dressing r.odm, he ket lip a bath- *use,· -bathing- resort, - and 'boat house. Later he cut'back the sea wall, .lengthened the beach, and built the stone ·Wall and pier which sull stand. Durizig the early days he oper- Ated a fleet of iboats, including the ' first.glass-bottom boat used in this area. On the ·bank, where he owned 800 feet of propetty,he established , a Japanese tea garden, employing a Japanese architect and -garden- / '¥ ri 0 ··r:/f' [...:Smith.formerlyofth 4=:42£ ers :to make his .novelty auth#nup in . every. ·detail:32, ,-4 4 , 5 1 :,--0-·'£'t'i,.. i·L. . WORLD TOUR REOXYLED: ·9 Mr. Smith ' 88ld-· out -Kis -Pacific Grove interests inh1910 Jtoithb.'fa- ther of Reginald FoiteE, Mid -em- barked upon yeafs·of :ti·2981 wkiial took him ovet half ftlle,-glbbE:Jite spent two years ih lipain, 17 '0 Mexico, fjve ears iti' Cuba,--long periods in Cuba, Italy, San bomin- go, and Haiti, where he 6pbrateda sugar plantation during World War I. He returned *to· spend·the last few·years ·of his life in Pacific Grove. Mr. Smith leavk. hisbrother, Police Judge Fred Smith of Tu- lare; a daughter, ·MrsLConstancel Ferguson of FaH- River; 1:Massa€ chusetts; a grandson,· Sdott:yeiguj , son of Rhode Islahaf.5 bide©ME: William KesemanA of Ndnitui;¥dd l a nephew, James ]E. binith.fp* nard. 5 Funeral services, iii"¢harg€·ot.4,6 Paul Mortuary, Pacific.Grbve, will -: · be irinounced-later.* 2'ft.1'...2,f :14.'- · I. .4.-14-0-ht'.1,-1,72·.1,11'1---Libl •1 SorrythereisnodateoridentificationforthisclippingbutWilliamSmithdiedMarch15,1947.f '.11, le 4. [c J dj , OCR Text: 33/Rint/»?47% 7,1 A¢tram)4941/*9t641' C Y UP " : 42';f'.IN.'54767f,.4'.,31* «Sude*in,1965£16£8 1 F i'f(t;:3.2 fR«Pjgt}92·*0.£4!t.:,'·P*, f,te:€•i/- . tnith>Early ?AIt11:11.i g·:i29@*:54* SA' ; manpuleam re:447>--Vt·11.1 *./.-r - W.,%'flf;,iti<*fo .t-1,2149' I- i 'TJ#tUM - ¢.:/·A· I.•l e-·'74-:I. 03 :, ilres>,Of' M913**r,SPeninaulh- lil -2 4,4-61*UAd,11®6.:Aftlj,f.-the,28'60thE .?·.:3'-Williak:hifieldiddiamith,D,to whoi 3;.-J th'4*9,',-6144?i.inif"dfidif adifj 4 64496,,7:e,it#-354@KE. j;6ai®(I ·7:it little-beh-ch,''passpd·'awayan.alloc: ..r,· #re-kt:61*44*brta·iloni64££64,;i .5. &'ll#i#0*100§14 2-,4 33,':allenE·'.-0 'rId 'was'bor*6y»bdi?2 :.h'z -41859,-,ih - San-/ju2,»fitist«aN '.4'dameiiin ·1864 to :Mont@r&*446*e 9-' his lather,:thetlate}Ualnes ··Benhet r-:i<:Smiof>¢it%¢ 5,86 ),ixtR -sheAki ·'.1 --of:Monterey*Collnty,,iwith Billy ... 2 Bafpdsitioi he blast&d | out the Fock/and Where there had bekn a littlh· touglf '. shed for a . , dressing r.odm, he ket lip a bath- *use,· -bathing- resort, - and 'boat house. Later he cut'back the sea wall, .lengthened the beach, and built the stone ·Wall and pier which sull stand. Durizig the early days he oper- Ated a fleet of iboats, including the ' first.glass-bottom boat used in this area. On the ·bank, where he owned 800 feet of propetty,he established , a Japanese tea garden, employing a Japanese architect and -garden- / '¥ ri 0 ··r:/f' [...:Smith.formerlyofth 4=:42£ ers :to make his .novelty auth#nup in . every. ·detail:32, ,-4 4 , 5 1 :,--0-·'£'t'i,.. i·L. . WORLD TOUR REOXYLED: ·9 Mr. Smith ' 88ld-· out -Kis -Pacific Grove interests inh1910 Jtoithb.'fa- ther of Reginald FoiteE, Mid -em- barked upon yeafs·of :ti·2981 wkiial took him ovet half ftlle,-glbbE:Jite spent two years ih lipain, 17 '0 Mexico, fjve ears iti' Cuba,--long periods in Cuba, Italy, San bomin- go, and Haiti, where he 6pbrateda sugar plantation during World War I. He returned *to· spend·the last few·years ·of his life in Pacific Grove. Mr. Smith leavk. hisbrother, Police Judge Fred Smith of Tu- lare; a daughter, ·MrsLConstancel Ferguson of FaH- River; 1:Massa€ chusetts; a grandson,· Sdott:yeiguj , son of Rhode Islahaf.5 bide©ME: William KesemanA of Ndnitui;¥dd l a nephew, James ]E. binith.fp* nard. 5 Funeral services, iii"¢harg€·ot.4,6 Paul Mortuary, Pacific.Grbve, will -: · be irinounced-later.* 2'ft.1'...2,f :14.'- · I. .4.-14-0-ht'.1,-1,72·.1,11'1---Libl •1 SorrythereisnodateoridentificationforthisclippingbutWilliamSmithdiedMarch15,1947.f '.11, le 4. [c J dj , Heritage Society of Pacific Grove,Historical Collections,Names of People about town,S through T File names,Smith,SMITH_012.pdf,SMITH_012.pdf 1 Page 1, Tags: SMITH_012.PDF, SMITH_012.pdf 1 Page 1



