4Pecific Grove Pagoda / (from thkq(1*54 issue of the P. G. Tribune) ./ Thebuildi.sfarasweknowtheonlyon,dfitskindonthe peninsula, is huNJed at the edge of the 09 dunes near Asilomar. Its offlcial address 16*501 Pico. The pagoda was built ik€tlina, copy'f a Pelping tea house, and brought to San Francisco ib€ths/*15 exposluon by a Dr. Hanna. This gentleman, an old ChinaZkand, loved the Penlnsula. After the exposition, he moved the p*6dk.te the dunes. When Mrs. Richard Adams bought the house,m 1951, khe added a room and some authentic Chinese car#gs. including'h·wor frame from an old Joss House in early Pla50ille. i. 1954 photo f. ......ft,9----- f Al 0_1jh f ' .mi= -/j// lillillillimilillillilliellillililll,1 r-g,t.,1 - There ls an ups*rs master bedroom. From a Tounding the bedroom, ybridge leads to the nearest san, wnstairs is a living roorp'with an octagonal window and fir a kitchen, and a sorp6f dining room which sometimes us 9pm. The bathroorfi is upstairs. There Is an outdoor flreplace done in «Ental style./ / 1. -Il I. I I ..'. I - r i 2€ Il it 1 -ir ' ili i. 1 .,6 . '1. X Chinese Wedding (from the Monterey Californian Of Ian. 22, 1878) A Chinese weddlng took place last Friday afternoon at Chlnatown. We were not there, but our reporter was, and he gave us a high old statement of their proceedings. After failing to effect an entrance into the room where the prellminaiy ceremonies were to take place. the door of which was strongly guarded by Amado Herrera, the Con- stable, our reporter obtalned an empty box and stood on it for an hour. A priest was there looking like old Confuctus. The bride was there, dressed in scarlet with a large fan, constantly held in front of her face, that none might view her angelic features. The groom was there also, dressed in sky blue. Reporter was unable, not having an interpreter along, to give all the details. After their prellminaries were concluded, the bride was taken into the next room. by the Chinese priest, in company with many Chinese onlookers and then and there married. The Chinese groom was also taken to an ad- Jacent house across the street. and went through a lot of ceremonies, with the priest, and was declared duly married to the aforesaid Chinese woman. That's all. But hold! While all this was going on, about a dozen Mongollan cool[s were busy at work, cooking a sumptuous repast for thls fellow and hls bride, consisting of birds and bird's eggs, chickens, ducks. fish, Chinese mysteries, etc. Our reporter states that there was also a grand time at night with transparencies, music and taper-burning. Also, that Herrera got away wlth ftve chickens, four ducks and nine bowls of rice during the banqueting. i ..4.==221.ga 111 1 -,01 •F C ':apt- 1 r. 4 I , e': f bal€ony SUI i dukt Do ie firepIhee, id as a be(h OldChinesepagodaat1501Pico. , OCR Text: 4Pecific Grove Pagoda / (from thkq(1*54 issue of the P. G. Tribune) ./ Thebuildi.sfarasweknowtheonlyon,dfitskindonthe peninsula, is huNJed at the edge of the 09 dunes near Asilomar. Its offlcial address 16*501 Pico. The pagoda was built ik€tlina, copy'f a Pelping tea house, and brought to San Francisco ib€ths/*15 exposluon by a Dr. Hanna. This gentleman, an old ChinaZkand, loved the Penlnsula. After the exposition, he moved the p*6dk.te the dunes. When Mrs. Richard Adams bought the house,m 1951, khe added a room and some authentic Chinese car#gs. including'h·wor frame from an old Joss House in early Pla50ille. i. 1954 photo f. ......ft,9----- f Al 0_1jh f ' .mi= -/j// lillillillimilillillilliellillililll,1 r-g,t.,1 - There ls an ups*rs master bedroom. From a Tounding the bedroom, ybridge leads to the nearest san, wnstairs is a living roorp'with an octagonal window and fir a kitchen, and a sorp6f dining room which sometimes us 9pm. The bathroorfi is upstairs. There Is an outdoor flreplace done in «Ental style./ / 1. -Il I. I I ..'. I - r i 2€ Il it 1 -ir ' ili i. 1 .,6 . '1. X Chinese Wedding (from the Monterey Californian Of Ian. 22, 1878) A Chinese weddlng took place last Friday afternoon at Chlnatown. We were not there, but our reporter was, and he gave us a high old statement of their proceedings. After failing to effect an entrance into the room where the prellminaiy ceremonies were to take place. the door of which was strongly guarded by Amado Herrera, the Con- stable, our reporter obtalned an empty box and stood on it for an hour. A priest was there looking like old Confuctus. The bride was there, dressed in scarlet with a large fan, constantly held in front of her face, that none might view her angelic features. The groom was there also, dressed in sky blue. Reporter was unable, not having an interpreter along, to give all the details. After their prellminaries were concluded, the bride was taken into the next room. by the Chinese priest, in company with many Chinese onlookers and then and there married. The Chinese groom was also taken to an ad- Jacent house across the street. and went through a lot of ceremonies, with the priest, and was declared duly married to the aforesaid Chinese woman. That's all. But hold! While all this was going on, about a dozen Mongollan cool[s were busy at work, cooking a sumptuous repast for thls fellow and hls bride, consisting of birds and bird's eggs, chickens, ducks. fish, Chinese mysteries, etc. Our reporter states that there was also a grand time at night with transparencies, music and taper-burning. Also, that Herrera got away wlth ftve chickens, four ducks and nine bowls of rice during the banqueting. i ..4.==221.ga 111 1 -,01 •F C ':apt- 1 r. 4 I , e': f bal€ony SUI i dukt Do ie firepIhee, id as a be(h OldChinesepagodaat1501Pico. , Heritage Society of Pacific Grove,Historical Collections,Green Plaque Research,Green Plaque Research 300 to 400 block,420 La Calle Corte,1501 PICO - CHINESE TEA HOUSE NOW AS KNOWN AS 420 LA CALLE CORTA_002.pdf,1501 PICO - CHINESE TEA HOUSE NOW AS KNOWN AS 420 LA CALLE CORTA_002.pdf Page 1, 1501 PICO - CHINESE TEA HOUSE NOW AS KNOWN AS 420 LA CALLE CORTA_002.pdf Page 1



