PAGE. 'Detective Story' to Aid Navy Relief Fund "rVE HEARD THAT 'DETECTIVE STORY' got top reviews," says Captain F. L. Ashworth (center) as be buys his tickets to the play from Cdr. K. C. 'VaJlaee, (right) chairman of the Navy Relief Fund drive. Valerie Bales (left) is dlrecUn, the play which will be presented next Thursday and Friday at the Statton theatre. Proceeds from the show will go to the Navy Reller Fund. Red Cross Wortcers Receive Pins nvz NEW MEMBERS of &be Home SenIee CommIttee of &be -.... ... en. reee/Ye _ _ and p.... _ Pat leB, Ie, ~ '" !lie IWV braDeh of &be ... Croos. BIlelpleDlB (L 10 r.) are: _ Ta7Jor, _ Bo~ Eo\e Aabbam, Clara Hanler, Hope camu.en, and Pat l.&- Beqe. Tbe Home &enI.. worters .... on ~ II boon each day 10 baMJe _ '" oervIcemeD and .._ wbo are In need of Red CnJos aid. Eighth Graders Hold Graduation Reception "OUR TOMORROWS" Is the class theme iii ~ SIa&IOD'. 1956 pwIualJon eI8'eIses 01 158 el,bth rraden. Approsim,teJy 1st pUeDt5 and ttadtel'SI jaiD the p-aduates at the reception In >Viewe( auditorium: 'Civil Service' OK's Special Program Here A Cooperative Work-Study Pro- gram in Engineering, proViding for alternate periods of education and employment at NOTS, has been approved by the 12th Regional Civil Service Commission. under the terms of this agreement, stud- ents who have completed at least 32 semester hours in an engineering curriculum with a 1.5 grade point nverage (3 point scale) will be en- couraged to file for employment through the Civil Service COmmis- sion. Employees will then be select- ed from registers provided by the Commission. A year-round program of work and study " 'ill enable a Co-op stud- ent to work a year and one-balt during the five years that will be required for him to complete his undergraduate education. His in- itial period of employment. will en- able him to acquire shop experi - enre, while his subsequent assigm- ments will provide him with sub- professional experience under the guidance of professional scientists and en(ineers. Employees who com- plete the program satisfactorily a.rul return after graduation as OS-5 p'rofessional employees will be el- igible for promoUon to GS-7 at the end of 3 months. provided that they receive especially fa.vorable per- formance evaluations at that time. Additional information with re- spect to recruitment can be ob- tained from the Head, Recruitment .Branch, Ext. 72690, and with respect to training from the Coordinator, professional Development Program, Ext. 71759. Outdoor Cooking Enthusiasts Warned Fire Chief A. C. Wrighrt asks that you remember a few simple rules that will assure you of en- joying your outdoor living without hazardous incident. "CalifOrnia outdoor living and barbecue time is here, so when we move out-of-doors 10 enjoy our des- ert skies and prepare our meals, let us observe these simple regu- lations:" • !Be sure your portable barbecue is a safe distance from permanent .buildings when in operation. • Use charcoal for barbecue fire. • Do not use flammable liquids to start your fire. • Do not leave the area without assuJl'ing yourself thllt your fire is completely extinguished. • Do not start a fire when there is a high Wind condition. ~ &11 (911%) -.01 _ OD9kIy- are paid ~ to_ 01 _ pt.....-th. CIaBlI_ A-' .,...., the _ _ plan, or the postal pay SJWtem. .JUNE 22, 1956 - TIlE ROCKETEER'. , Science foundation Offers fellowship Awards to Eligibles Applications will be ac- cepted through September 4, 1956 for the second group of Senior postdoctoral fellow- ships to be awarded by the National Science Foundation during the current calendar year, Alan T. Waterman, Foundation Director, an- nounced recently. Eligible candidates at NOTS may contact Dr. Paul C. Buchan- an, head, Employee Develop- ment Division, Personnel De- partment for detailed infor- mation. Awanl Fields Fellowships ,,·m be awarded in mathematical, physleal, modieal, bio- logical, engineering and other scl- ences, includln, anthropology, psy- chology (other than cUnleaJ), reoc~ raphy, c e r tat n lnterdlscipllDary fields. and areas 01 eonvercence be- tween the natural and social scleD~ ces. Names of successful fellowship candidates will be announeed on Oc- Iober 16, 1956. To be eligible for these awards, candidates must be citizens of the United States with demonstrated ability and special aptitude for ad- vanced t r a in i n g and productive scholarship in the sciences. In addi- tion, candidates must have at least five years experience beyond the sci- ence doctorate or its equivalent. Fellows will be selected on the basis of ability as evidenced by let- ters of recommendation and other evidence of attainment. candidates' qualifications will be evaluated by carefully chosen panels of scientists. Final selection of Fellows will be made by the National Science Foun- dation. GheSUpends Annual stipends from $2,000 10 S10,OOO adjusted 10 maloh as elosel1 as feasible the reruJar salaries of the award recipients, may be applied to- ward study or researeb in an accred- ited non-profit institution of hirher learoiD( in the United States or abroad. A Umited allowance to aid in defraying costs of tra'Vel for a Fellow and his dependents wID also be available. Applications and further details . may be obtained from the Division of Scientific Personnel and Educa- tion, National Science Foundation, Washington 25, D. C. THE WEATHH Mostly c I. or Qver weekend with occosion· al high doudi.... Winds light and varia- ble becoming south- westerly 10 to 20 knots in the afternoons. Tem- perature range maxi- mum 97 to minimum 65. • e TEMPEAATUIfS (ttcMning ANa) Max. Mln. June 13 .__101 60 June 14 __ 90 66 June 15 ........ 87 58 June 16 •__ 92 52 June 17 _._ 96 S5 June 18 ..._ 97 S9 June 19 __ 92 68 June 20 __ 93 59 VOL. XU, NO. :15 U.s. ·NAVAL ORDNANCE TEST STATION, CHINA LAKE, CALIF. JUNE 2Z, 1956 Superior Performers in Public Works SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE Awards and checks are earned by employees of PabUc Works Department as a result of outstanding performance ratinrs. Reclplenta p1c&ared above. first row (I. to r.) are: Henry B. Goode, $ZOO; Robert Faulkner, S2OO; Bertha A. McCullcic:h. $200; Kathleen Simpson, $200; William W. Rusoell, $200; and Dener L. Whitfield, $200. Pictured In .....nd row (L to r.) are: Marshall W. Breaw, $ZOO; Henry M. Linse&, SZOO: Paul A. Tbomas, $300; Howard Auld, S2GO; and N. A. Mohrbaeher, $200. HouseApplications Taken Until Monday Entries for the Station housing list for the quarter beginning July 1 will close next Monday, June 25. Persons who wish to apply for fam- ily housing or change their present application should do so now at the housing office. Applications should be tiled at the housing office if a person is a new employee and has never before ap- plied for housing, or if an employee has received a promotion or has had a change in dependency status that would affect his housing application. Employees who wish to be consid- ered for other housing for which they are eligible, even though they have been assigned family quarters, including trailers, also should file an application. Those Jamed COrrectly on the April housing list, who have not been assigned family housing or trailers, need make no further application at this time. Further information may be ob- tained from Housing Division Head C. J . Fallgatter, Ext. 72222. Polio Clinic Announced Pollo vaceine clinics provided by lhe Kern Counly Health Depart- ment are scheduled today in RIde......\, and n.x I Thursday, Jane ZI, In Randsburg, aecordiD( to Dr. T. dell&ven, county health educator. ROCKETEER Will Change To Former Size The ROCKETEER will revert to its former tabloid page size berianing with the first edition 10 be published In the next fisViewe( auditorium: 'Civil Service' OK's Special Program Here A Cooperative Work-Study Pro- gram in Engineering, proViding for alternate periods of education and employment at NOTS, has been approved by the 12th Regional Civil Service Commission. under the terms of this agreement, stud- ents who have completed at least 32 semester hours in an engineering curriculum with a 1.5 grade point nverage (3 point scale) will be en- couraged to file for employment through the Civil Service COmmis- sion. Employees will then be select- ed from registers provided by the Commission. A year-round program of work and study " 'ill enable a Co-op stud- ent to work a year and one-balt during the five years that will be required for him to complete his undergraduate education. His in- itial period of employment. will en- able him to acquire shop experi - enre, while his subsequent assigm- ments will provide him with sub- professional experience under the guidance of professional scientists and en(ineers. Employees who com- plete the program satisfactorily a.rul return after graduation as OS-5 p'rofessional employees will be el- igible for promoUon to GS-7 at the end of 3 months. provided that they receive especially fa.vorable per- formance evaluations at that time. Additional information with re- spect to recruitment can be ob- tained from the Head, Recruitment .Branch, Ext. 72690, and with respect to training from the Coordinator, professional Development Program, Ext. 71759. Outdoor Cooking Enthusiasts Warned Fire Chief A. C. Wrighrt asks that you remember a few simple rules that will assure you of en- joying your outdoor living without hazardous incident. "CalifOrnia outdoor living and barbecue time is here, so when we move out-of-doors 10 enjoy our des- ert skies and prepare our meals, let us observe these simple regu- lations:" • !Be sure your portable barbecue is a safe distance from permanent .buildings when in operation. • Use charcoal for barbecue fire. • Do not use flammable liquids to start your fire. • Do not leave the area without assuJl'ing yourself thllt your fire is completely extinguished. • Do not start a fire when there is a high Wind condition. ~ &11 (911%) -.01 _ OD9kIy- are paid ~ to_ 01 _ pt.....-th. CIaBlI_ A-' .,...., the _ _ plan, or the postal pay SJWtem. .JUNE 22, 1956 - TIlE ROCKETEER'. , Science foundation Offers fellowship Awards to Eligibles Applications will be ac- cepted through September 4, 1956 for the second group of Senior postdoctoral fellow- ships to be awarded by the National Science Foundation during the current calendar year, Alan T. Waterman, Foundation Director, an- nounced recently. Eligible candidates at NOTS may contact Dr. Paul C. Buchan- an, head, Employee Develop- ment Division, Personnel De- partment for detailed infor- mation. Awanl Fields Fellowships ,,·m be awarded in mathematical, physleal, modieal, bio- logical, engineering and other scl- ences, includln, anthropology, psy- chology (other than cUnleaJ), reoc~ raphy, c e r tat n lnterdlscipllDary fields. and areas 01 eonvercence be- tween the natural and social scleD~ ces. Names of successful fellowship candidates will be announeed on Oc- Iober 16, 1956. To be eligible for these awards, candidates must be citizens of the United States with demonstrated ability and special aptitude for ad- vanced t r a in i n g and productive scholarship in the sciences. In addi- tion, candidates must have at least five years experience beyond the sci- ence doctorate or its equivalent. Fellows will be selected on the basis of ability as evidenced by let- ters of recommendation and other evidence of attainment. candidates' qualifications will be evaluated by carefully chosen panels of scientists. Final selection of Fellows will be made by the National Science Foun- dation. GheSUpends Annual stipends from $2,000 10 S10,OOO adjusted 10 maloh as elosel1 as feasible the reruJar salaries of the award recipients, may be applied to- ward study or researeb in an accred- ited non-profit institution of hirher learoiD( in the United States or abroad. A Umited allowance to aid in defraying costs of tra'Vel for a Fellow and his dependents wID also be available. Applications and further details . may be obtained from the Division of Scientific Personnel and Educa- tion, National Science Foundation, Washington 25, D. C. THE WEATHH Mostly c I. or Qver weekend with occosion· al high doudi.... Winds light and varia- ble becoming south- westerly 10 to 20 knots in the afternoons. Tem- perature range maxi- mum 97 to minimum 65. • e TEMPEAATUIfS (ttcMning ANa) Max. Mln. June 13 .__101 60 June 14 __ 90 66 June 15 ........ 87 58 June 16 •__ 92 52 June 17 _._ 96 S5 June 18 ..._ 97 S9 June 19 __ 92 68 June 20 __ 93 59 VOL. XU, NO. :15 U.s. ·NAVAL ORDNANCE TEST STATION, CHINA LAKE, CALIF. JUNE 2Z, 1956 Superior Performers in Public Works SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE Awards and checks are earned by employees of PabUc Works Department as a result of outstanding performance ratinrs. Reclplenta p1c&ared above. first row (I. to r.) are: Henry B. Goode, $ZOO; Robert Faulkner, S2OO; Bertha A. McCullcic:h. $200; Kathleen Simpson, $200; William W. Rusoell, $200; and Dener L. Whitfield, $200. Pictured In .....nd row (L to r.) are: Marshall W. Breaw, $ZOO; Henry M. Linse&, SZOO: Paul A. Tbomas, $300; Howard Auld, S2GO; and N. A. Mohrbaeher, $200. HouseApplications Taken Until Monday Entries for the Station housing list for the quarter beginning July 1 will close next Monday, June 25. Persons who wish to apply for fam- ily housing or change their present application should do so now at the housing office. Applications should be tiled at the housing office if a person is a new employee and has never before ap- plied for housing, or if an employee has received a promotion or has had a change in dependency status that would affect his housing application. Employees who wish to be consid- ered for other housing for which they are eligible, even though they have been assigned family quarters, including trailers, also should file an application. Those Jamed COrrectly on the April housing list, who have not been assigned family housing or trailers, need make no further application at this time. Further information may be ob- tained from Housing Division Head C. J . Fallgatter, Ext. 72222. Polio Clinic Announced Pollo vaceine clinics provided by lhe Kern Counly Health Depart- ment are scheduled today in RIde......\, and n.x I Thursday, Jane ZI, In Randsburg, aecordiD( to Dr. T. dell&ven, county health educator. ROCKETEER Will Change To Former Size The ROCKETEER will revert to its former tabloid page size berianing with the first edition 10 be published In the next fis



