George Van Boven George Van Boven died on April 26, 2017 at his home in Union WA. He was born June 12, 1934 in Griffith, Indiana to Bert Van Boven & Al- ice (Bakker) Van Boven. George joined the United States Air Force after high school and served 14 years in active service before transfer- ring into Civil Service and the ART program at McChord AFB. He served as the Supervisor of the 446 Organization- al Maintenance Squad- ron until his retirement. He married Sherry in 1984 and they lived together on their pri- vate lake property for 33 years. George loved hunting black bear with his hounds. He served as a guide for many years taking people from all over the world. George is survived by his wife Sherry; his chil- dren by his former wife Virginia Dan (Betty), Don (Sandy), Sue (John), Sandy; stepchildren Da- vid, Carol, & Cindy; 10 grandchildren, 7 great grandchildren; and 3 brothers & 3 sisters. A Celebration of life will be held on June 2, 2017, 1:30 p.m. at the Community Hall, 50 E Seattle St, Union WA. Donations may be made to support Provi- dence Sound Home Care and Hospice www.provi- dence.org/giving. , OCR Text: George Van Boven George Van Boven died on April 26, 2017 at his home in Union WA. He was born June 12, 1934 in Griffith, Indiana to Bert Van Boven & Al- ice (Bakker) Van Boven. George joined the United States Air Force after high school and served 14 years in active service before transfer- ring into Civil Service and the ART program at McChord AFB. He served as the Supervisor of the 446 Organization- al Maintenance Squad- ron until his retirement. He married Sherry in 1984 and they lived together on their pri- vate lake property for 33 years. George loved hunting black bear with his hounds. He served as a guide for many years taking people from all over the world. George is survived by his wife Sherry; his chil- dren by his former wife Virginia Dan (Betty), Don (Sandy), Sue (John), Sandy; stepchildren Da- vid, Carol, & Cindy; 10 grandchildren, 7 great grandchildren; and 3 brothers & 3 sisters. A Celebration of life will be held on June 2, 2017, 1:30 p.m. at the Community Hall, 50 E Seattle St, Union WA. Donations may be made to support Provi- dence Sound Home Care and Hospice www.provi- dence.org/giving. , Mason County Genealogical Society,Obituaries,Other Obituaries,V Last Name,Van Boven, George.jpg,Van Boven, George.jpg, Van Boven, George.jpg



