Xf- a Forest PROPOSED LOCATION AND Date 1. CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING 0.1 U 37 / 7 o 21 /■ c c - d z I T. /r & I ' J O' no f QX(o 8X L 7 0 No M c ■y'r M M3 to s, ■> Approved Forest Supervisor R6-7700-33 (6/66) d. (_ No Lg - / k!L :•? jV *7‘W Survey Miles (11) Est. Cost (18) Est. Cost (20) Road Name (2) Est. Cost (12) Est. Cost (1^) Survey Miles (15) Stake Miles (17) Inspect. Miles (19) Est. Date of Contract (1) Est. Cost (8) Use Code W Primary Forest Value (6) Road No. (3) _Cl. Desist Mile8 . (9) <&_2. V 6 o Ml non- CLASS III Only Est. Cost (16) <7 ■ I I. -rf* w / (3 o ) ME_— 6 7 Mi 2. $ V ( bJ ■C.-O V; do 7-7 MUcUv e,¥~ Q ' I 7 ' -C6 ’ O 2 / J. 1830 Sheet Totals by Columns 2/ 1/ LA, I, or LU (A, I, U) ~~ 2/ Construction or Reconstruction 3/ Show Grand Totals on last sheet X/ Tag line for survey by others /, 0 b o 0 CLASS I SURVEYS (incl. Survey Miles (7) ,0|j;... ; ’ A. ,-A 2/ C or R (5) mA M3 Q r ..3 G D L£ 19 C< Q •'7g! M ( 7 77 —engineering k/ CLASS II SURVEYS (incl. Cl. "■J' Design Miles (13) Sheet _ of 4 6 !o S? . ./ 4 u X' ; 7'' - j 7'' 6.- > (. . Qv (°-ezY7 377 M- 7 • : f, ;-4| > -;A z______ 7)VY i- Lr,d L ! d (OnG Ai "7 •>'; () 'a La ke 0 '2. 7~r-___ MM 7:2 7.0 /■ ^SpEcfiON fr’Y‘ iiiL Est. Cost (iql 1 Nou / 77 zi N'O’0 6G0 4 o , OCR Text: Xf- a Forest PROPOSED LOCATION AND Date 1. CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING 0.1 U 37 / 7 o 21 /■ c c - d z I T. /r & I ' J O' no f QX(o 8X L 7 0 No M c ■y'r M M3 to s, ■> Approved Forest Supervisor R6-7700-33 (6/66) d. (_ No Lg - / k!L :•? jV *7‘W Survey Miles (11) Est. Cost (18) Est. Cost (20) Road Name (2) Est. Cost (12) Est. Cost (1^) Survey Miles (15) Stake Miles (17) Inspect. Miles (19) Est. Date of Contract (1) Est. Cost (8) Use Code W Primary Forest Value (6) Road No. (3) _Cl. Desist Mile8 . (9) <&_2. V 6 o Ml non- CLASS III Only Est. Cost (16) <7 ■ I I. -rf* w / (3 o ) ME_— 6 7 Mi 2. $ V ( bJ ■C.-O V; do 7-7 MUcUv e,¥~ Q ' I 7 ' -C6 ’ O 2 / J. 1830 Sheet Totals by Columns 2/ 1/ LA, I, or LU (A, I, U) ~~ 2/ Construction or Reconstruction 3/ Show Grand Totals on last sheet X/ Tag line for survey by others /, 0 b o 0 CLASS I SURVEYS (incl. Survey Miles (7) ,0|j;... ; ’ A. ,-A 2/ C or R (5) mA M3 Q r ..3 G D L£ 19 C< Q •'7g! M ( 7 77 —engineering k/ CLASS II SURVEYS (incl. Cl. "■J' Design Miles (13) Sheet _ of 4 6 !o S? . ./ 4 u X' ; 7'' - j 7'' 6.- > (. . Qv (°-ezY7 377 M- 7 • : f, ;-4| > -;A z______ 7)VY i- Lr,d L ! d (OnG Ai "7 •>'; () 'a La ke 0 '2. 7~r-___ MM 7:2 7.0 /■ ^SpEcfiON fr’Y‘ iiiL Est. Cost (iql 1 Nou / 77 zi N'O’0 6G0 4 o , Granite Falls Historical Society,Documents (articles, clippings, letters, papers),USFS Scans,Box 14,Box 14-31 trail maintenance.pdf,Box 14-31 trail maintenance.pdf Page 1, Box 14-31 trail maintenance.pdf Page 1



