o 257 Monte Cristo. Sept. 1/93. Very truly, Thomas Weir, Genl. Supt. I Sumner Iron Works, Everett, Wash. Gentlemen:- Referring to order by our Mr. Baner for a reel for cable of our tramways, he now wishes to have it made 4 feet in diameter instead of two feet the original diameter he gave you. He also requests that the arms of reel extend one foot outside of rim of reel proper, this reel is the very first thing he will want. Kindly give it your earliest and prompt attention. , OCR Text: o 257 Monte Cristo. Sept. 1/93. Very truly, Thomas Weir, Genl. Supt. I Sumner Iron Works, Everett, Wash. Gentlemen:- Referring to order by our Mr. Baner for a reel for cable of our tramways, he now wishes to have it made 4 feet in diameter instead of two feet the original diameter he gave you. He also requests that the arms of reel extend one foot outside of rim of reel proper, this reel is the very first thing he will want. Kindly give it your earliest and prompt attention. , Granite Falls Historical Society,Documents (articles, clippings, letters, papers),Letter Press,1893,1893+09+SEP.pdf,1893+09+SEP.pdf Page 1, 1893+09+SEP.pdf Page 1



