An Dav1d Yampol 3/ ml Cl 5’ Ari David Yampol, who was 1 year old, died Thursday, March 19, of complications due to Rett syndrome at Mary Bridge Hospi» tal in Tacoma. He was born March 4, 1997, to David Scott and Tiffany Therese (Woodcock) Yampol of Union. He was a member of the Beth Hatfiloh Temple in Olympia, He is survived by parents Da- vid and Tiffany Yampol of Union; sister Paige Yampol of Union; grandparents Neal Yampol of Fox Point, Wisconsin, Frances lieu of Glendale, Wisconsin, Bill and Maureen Woodcock of Union; great-grandparents Robert and Blanche Zien of Glendale, Wis< consin, Rose Kulakow of Fox Point, Wisconsin, Shirley R. Murphy of Redmond, and Law- rence R. Woodcock of Huntington, Oregon; and numerous aunts, un- cles and cousins. Graveside services were held Sunday, March 22, at Shelton Memorial Park. Rabbi Marna Sapsowitz officiated. Arrangements are by McComb FHmeral Home in Shelton. , OCR Text: An Dav1d Yampol 3/ ml Cl 5’ Ari David Yampol, who was 1 year old, died Thursday, March 19, of complications due to Rett syndrome at Mary Bridge Hospi» tal in Tacoma. He was born March 4, 1997, to David Scott and Tiffany Therese (Woodcock) Yampol of Union. He was a member of the Beth Hatfiloh Temple in Olympia, He is survived by parents Da- vid and Tiffany Yampol of Union; sister Paige Yampol of Union; grandparents Neal Yampol of Fox Point, Wisconsin, Frances lieu of Glendale, Wisconsin, Bill and Maureen Woodcock of Union; great-grandparents Robert and Blanche Zien of Glendale, Wis< consin, Rose Kulakow of Fox Point, Wisconsin, Shirley R. Murphy of Redmond, and Law- rence R. Woodcock of Huntington, Oregon; and numerous aunts, un- cles and cousins. Graveside services were held Sunday, March 22, at Shelton Memorial Park. Rabbi Marna Sapsowitz officiated. Arrangements are by McComb FHmeral Home in Shelton. , Mason County Genealogical Society,Obituaries,Other Obituaries,Y Last Name,Yampol, Ari David.tif,Yampol, Ari David.tif, Yampol, Ari David.tif



