NEW COUNCILMAN Lake Stevens has a new city coun- cilmember chosen by current city councilmembers. READ MORE ON Page 12 January 4, 2017 Edition 2 Issue 14 PO Box 349 Lake Stevens, WA 98258 LakeStevensLedger.com INFLUENZA DEATHS Four people in Snohomish County have died due to influenza. It’s not too late to get your fu shot. Read more on page 9 HOMEless FORUM Lake Stevens Library will be holding a forum on local homelessness in January. Read more ON PAGE 5 LOCAL COLUMNISTS The Ledger has several local colum- nists who share their expertise with out readers. Read more INSIDE The Capone family includingVanessa, Jonathan (Mom & Dad) and kids Connor (13), Christa (11), Claire (8) and Caleb (6). Contributed Photo SEE LEGION ON page 2 pam stevens Left: Fred Cushman. Right: Jack Sahlbom. Contributed Photos FIRE AUCTION Lake Stevens firefighters are holding an auction to help local kids get much needed winter coats. Read more page 2 SEE CAPONES ON page 2 Fred Cushman was born on August 8, 1928 and passed away on December 22. He served in the U.S. Army in the Korean War. Cushman was an active member of Post 181 for 42 years. He was also very ac- tive with the Kiwanis and as the unofficial gardener of the downtown rose bushes for de- cades. Cushman would deliver ros- es from his bushes to business- es and residents on a regular basis for years. Legion member Jack Sahl- bom passed away on Christ- mas Day. He was born on April 5, 1925 and served in the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II and the Korean War.. He served honorably in both wars. He was awarded the Bronze Star with valor and the Purple Heart during Korea. Sahlbom was born, raised, and lived in Lake Stevens his American Legion Post 191 loses two members Fred Cushman, Jack Salhbom pass away CONTRIBUTED Living the American dream is how Jonathan and Vanessa Capone describe their lives for the past 15 years. The Capones purchased their dream house in Lake Stevens in January of 2014 and moved in with their four beautiful children. Their home is filled with love for each other and for God and a love of helping others, especially children around the world. After just two and a half years of living in their home, the Capones have rented it out and are now living in a cabin near Lake Roesiger saving money so they can move their family to the Philippines to serve as missionaries at King’s Garden Children’s Home. Jonathan and Vanessa grew up in Snohomish and met in high School. They married and Jonathan started working at HB Jaeger straight out of high school and has moved up the ranks quickly into upper management. For the past eight years, both Jonathan and Van- essa have served as vol- Capone family’s mission trips become a full-time job unteer vocational pastors. “Something life changing hap- pened to our family,” Jonathan explains. “We started taking short term mission trips as a complete family five years ago. At the time our youngest child was nine months old and our oldest was eight.” They traveled to different places throughout the world as a family and soon they real- ized that this is what they were meant to do. “Something awakened inside us after the first trip, a passion to meet people and reach them. I like to say we were bit by the missions bug,” Jonathan said. “Over that span of five years we’ve been on six international trips and four local trips all as a complete family. We joked that I worked to support our missions habit.” On their last mission trip the family headed to the Philip- pines to serve at King’s Garden Children’s Home. “It was that trip to King’s Garden Children’s Home that we felt that God had called us 9302 N. Davies Rd. • Lake SteveNS • 425-903-4069 1909 Hewitt ave. • eveRett • 425-249-2812 Happy New Year! Come try our new breakfast! FREE ENTREE Buy one entree and two drinks and get a second entree of equal or lesser value free. (Up To $8 Value) MADE FROM SCRATCH DAily CAliFORniA STylE GRill & CAnTinA Now serving breakfast! American Style and Mexican Breakfast - Friday, Sat and Sun 7am-3pm One coupon per table. Not valid with any other offer, daily special or lunch special. www.papasmexicangrill.com , OCR Text: NEW COUNCILMAN Lake Stevens has a new city coun- cilmember chosen by current city councilmembers. READ MORE ON Page 12 January 4, 2017 Edition 2 Issue 14 PO Box 349 Lake Stevens, WA 98258 LakeStevensLedger.com INFLUENZA DEATHS Four people in Snohomish County have died due to influenza. It’s not too late to get your fu shot. Read more on page 9 HOMEless FORUM Lake Stevens Library will be holding a forum on local homelessness in January. Read more ON PAGE 5 LOCAL COLUMNISTS The Ledger has several local colum- nists who share their expertise with out readers. Read more INSIDE The Capone family includingVanessa, Jonathan (Mom & Dad) and kids Connor (13), Christa (11), Claire (8) and Caleb (6). Contributed Photo SEE LEGION ON page 2 pam stevens Left: Fred Cushman. Right: Jack Sahlbom. Contributed Photos FIRE AUCTION Lake Stevens firefighters are holding an auction to help local kids get much needed winter coats. Read more page 2 SEE CAPONES ON page 2 Fred Cushman was born on August 8, 1928 and passed away on December 22. He served in the U.S. Army in the Korean War. Cushman was an active member of Post 181 for 42 years. He was also very ac- tive with the Kiwanis and as the unofficial gardener of the downtown rose bushes for de- cades. Cushman would deliver ros- es from his bushes to business- es and residents on a regular basis for years. Legion member Jack Sahl- bom passed away on Christ- mas Day. He was born on April 5, 1925 and served in the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II and the Korean War.. He served honorably in both wars. He was awarded the Bronze Star with valor and the Purple Heart during Korea. Sahlbom was born, raised, and lived in Lake Stevens his American Legion Post 191 loses two members Fred Cushman, Jack Salhbom pass away CONTRIBUTED Living the American dream is how Jonathan and Vanessa Capone describe their lives for the past 15 years. The Capones purchased their dream house in Lake Stevens in January of 2014 and moved in with their four beautiful children. Their home is filled with love for each other and for God and a love of helping others, especially children around the world. After just two and a half years of living in their home, the Capones have rented it out and are now living in a cabin near Lake Roesiger saving money so they can move their family to the Philippines to serve as missionaries at King’s Garden Children’s Home. Jonathan and Vanessa grew up in Snohomish and met in high School. They married and Jonathan started working at HB Jaeger straight out of high school and has moved up the ranks quickly into upper management. For the past eight years, both Jonathan and Van- essa have served as vol- Capone family’s mission trips become a full-time job unteer vocational pastors. “Something life changing hap- pened to our family,” Jonathan explains. “We started taking short term mission trips as a complete family five years ago. At the time our youngest child was nine months old and our oldest was eight.” They traveled to different places throughout the world as a family and soon they real- ized that this is what they were meant to do. “Something awakened inside us after the first trip, a passion to meet people and reach them. I like to say we were bit by the missions bug,” Jonathan said. “Over that span of five years we’ve been on six international trips and four local trips all as a complete family. We joked that I worked to support our missions habit.” On their last mission trip the family headed to the Philip- pines to serve at King’s Garden Children’s Home. “It was that trip to King’s Garden Children’s Home that we felt that God had called us 9302 N. Davies Rd. • Lake SteveNS • 425-903-4069 1909 Hewitt ave. • eveRett • 425-249-2812 Happy New Year! Come try our new breakfast! FREE ENTREE Buy one entree and two drinks and get a second entree of equal or lesser value free. (Up To $8 Value) MADE FROM SCRATCH DAily CAliFORniA STylE GRill & CAnTinA Now serving breakfast! American Style and Mexican Breakfast - Friday, Sat and Sun 7am-3pm One coupon per table. Not valid with any other offer, daily special or lunch special. www.papasmexicangrill.com , Lake Stevens Historical Society,Newspapers,Lake Stevens Ledger,2017,January 4, 2017.pdf,January 4, 2017.pdf Page 1, January 4, 2017.pdf Page 1



