10, i4 1 '( 6'-2i5-11 State of California — The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY IDENTIFICATION ; Se Site Mo. Yr. O UTM Q NR SHL 7 Lat Lon Era Sig Adm T2 T3 Cat HABS HAER Fed 1. Common name: Creten Gales Inn 2. Historic name, if known: Tiac ! ( ii 1 - ~.) kk uc i r'i1 r-'. 3. Street or rural address ~t ;Eft City: P.IC: L f IC G.XYv'C , C.Zl ZIP: C+.r.j U County: iot 4. Present owner, if known: RC & S aL 1y PO Address: 104 5t1 J City: . .'3vi a CA ZIP: 93J50 Ownership is: Public Private 5. Present Use: Priva . HO a£ Original Use: Inn Other past uses: DESCRIPTION 6. Briefly describe the present physical appearance of the site or structure and describe any major alterations from its original condition: A half.-::i:=J~exe& step qabled Queen Arne style nouc~e with highly a1a ~o gate and intricate deco.~ative featu.t es, reminiscent of Eastlake features. Tiro story a3yu' etrical structure painted white with green tri . Ho:. izoni. tl ship.ap s±w.ng and scattered variations of highly decorative sid±n~ Lea t1ce work leaded < lass w±ridows surriount 1/1 aeg_:Een LCd windows r CvWired br acs~.eis and clan Led rya p (:.T :i i c shams o iae;o The house is s: €-.uated on ine corner of 5th and Ocean View. jnd ndmarks): NORTH 8. Approximate property size: Lot size (in feet) Frontage !c3 .I uS Depth or approx. acreage 9. Condition: (check one) a. Excellent I I d. Deteriorated 10. Is the feature 11. Surroundings: a. Open land c. Densely built-up e. Commercial g. Other f l b. Good c. Fair e. No longer in existence a. Altered? X b. Unaltered? (Check more than one if necessary) b. Scattered buildings d. Residential f. Industrial 12. Threats to site: a. None known c. Zoning I e. Vandalism ' b. Private development d. Public Works project f l f. Other I I 1977 13. Date(s) of enclosed photoaraoh(s): V~ , OCR Text: 10, i4 1 '( 6'-2i5-11 State of California — The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY IDENTIFICATION ; Se Site Mo. Yr. O UTM Q NR SHL 7 Lat Lon Era Sig Adm T2 T3 Cat HABS HAER Fed 1. Common name: Creten Gales Inn 2. Historic name, if known: Tiac ! ( ii 1 - ~.) kk uc i r'i1 r-'. 3. Street or rural address ~t ;Eft City: P.IC: L f IC G.XYv'C , C.Zl ZIP: C .r.j U County: iot 4. Present owner, if known: RC & S aL 1y PO Address: 104 5t1 J City: . .'3vi a CA ZIP: 93J50 Ownership is: Public Private 5. Present Use: Priva . HO a£ Original Use: Inn Other past uses: DESCRIPTION 6. Briefly describe the present physical appearance of the site or structure and describe any major alterations from its original condition: A half.-::i:=J~exe& step qabled Queen Arne style nouc~e with highly a1a ~o gate and intricate deco.~ative featu.t es, reminiscent of Eastlake features. Tiro story a3yu' etrical structure painted white with green tri . Ho:. izoni. tl ship.ap s±w.ng and scattered variations of highly decorative sid±n~ Lea t1ce work leaded < lass w±ridows surriount 1/1 aeg_:Een LCd windows r CvWired br acs~.eis and clan Led rya p (:.T :i i c shams o iae;o The house is s: €-.uated on ine corner of 5th and Ocean View. jnd ndmarks): NORTH 8. Approximate property size: Lot size (in feet) Frontage !c3 .I uS Depth or approx. acreage 9. Condition: (check one) a. Excellent I I d. Deteriorated 10. Is the feature 11. Surroundings: a. Open land c. Densely built-up e. Commercial g. Other f l b. Good c. Fair e. No longer in existence a. Altered? X b. Unaltered? (Check more than one if necessary) b. Scattered buildings d. Residential f. Industrial 12. Threats to site: a. None known c. Zoning I e. Vandalism ' b. Private development d. Public Works project f l f. Other I I 1977 13. Date(s) of enclosed photoaraoh(s): V~ , Heritage Society of Pacific Grove,Historical Collections,Names of People about town,L through M File Names,Lacy and Green Gables,Lacy and Green Gables,William Lacy Family and Green Gables_0001.pdf Page 1, William Lacy Family and Green Gables_0001.pdf Page 1



