8e6 19O5 PACIFIC GROVE CITY DIRECTORY RESIDENTS LISTED LAST NAME FIRST PACIFIC GROVE DIRECTORY. 105 A n n n f's -_ I' Abbe, P'red N., clerk, Culp Bros., r. 464 Laurel ay. Abbott. A. J., building contractor, r. 207 Fountain ay. Abbott, H. T., electrician, Monterey Electric Light & Power Co., r. 207 Fountain ay. Adair, George F., (Hearst & Adair) r. 406 Sixteenth. Adam, Wm., artist, 131 Sixth. Adams, Mary bars., r. 217 Eighteenth. Aggeler, A. M., groceries and crockery, 553 Lighthouse ay., r 224 Fourteenth. Aggeler, J. A., carpenter r. 505 Monterey ay. Alexander, W. G., real estate, insurance and notary, 593 Light- house ay., r. 207 Eighteenth. Allen, C. W., r. Hotel Del Mar. Allen, Mary Mrs., r. 223 Sixth. Alliance Assurance Co., Ld. of London, Wm. T. Denison Agent 210 Grand ay. Allison, C. P., r. 214 Fifteenth. American Bonding Co., of Baltimore, Gould & Pell, agents, 568 Lighthouse ay. American Central Ins. Co., E. B. Gross, agent, 605 Lighthouse ay. American Fire Ins. Co., W. G. Alexander, agent„ 593 Light- house ay. American ins. Co., William T. Jenieon, agent, 210 Grand ay. Ames, E. E., cigars and tobacco and billiards, 211 Forest ay., r. 139 Fifteenth. Ames, Frank, shoemaker, r. 688 Laurel ay. Ames, Rosa Miss, r. 688 Laurel ay. Anderson, A. W., clerk, Holman's r. 250 Lighthouse ay. Anderson, Ellen Mrs., ensign Salvation Army, r. 502 Sixth. Anderson, Emerett Mrs., millinery, 401 Forest ay., r. same. Andrews, B. F., buiding contractor, r. ss Spruce ay. bet. 9th and 10th. Anestasi, P., Mrs., r. 313 Fourteenth. Anthony, Arthur H., sect' and tress J. C. Anthony Co., r. corner David and Spencer, New Monterey. Anthony, F. G., (J. C. Anthony Co.) r. corner David and Spencer, New Monterey. Anthony, J. C. Co., J. C. Anthony, pres.; H. W. Anthony, vice pres.; A. H. Anthony, eecy. and treas., general contract- ors, 227 Forest ay. Anthony, J. Clarence, pres. J. C. Anthony Co., r. 518 Fountain ay. Anthony, Herbert W., vice pres. J. C. Anthony Co.. r. 117 Ninth. , OCR Text: 8e6 19O5 PACIFIC GROVE CITY DIRECTORY RESIDENTS LISTED LAST NAME FIRST PACIFIC GROVE DIRECTORY. 105 A n n n f's -_ I' Abbe, P'red N., clerk, Culp Bros., r. 464 Laurel ay. Abbott. A. J., building contractor, r. 207 Fountain ay. Abbott, H. T., electrician, Monterey Electric Light & Power Co., r. 207 Fountain ay. Adair, George F., (Hearst & Adair) r. 406 Sixteenth. Adam, Wm., artist, 131 Sixth. Adams, Mary bars., r. 217 Eighteenth. Aggeler, A. M., groceries and crockery, 553 Lighthouse ay., r 224 Fourteenth. Aggeler, J. A., carpenter r. 505 Monterey ay. Alexander, W. G., real estate, insurance and notary, 593 Light- house ay., r. 207 Eighteenth. Allen, C. W., r. Hotel Del Mar. Allen, Mary Mrs., r. 223 Sixth. Alliance Assurance Co., Ld. of London, Wm. T. Denison Agent 210 Grand ay. Allison, C. P., r. 214 Fifteenth. American Bonding Co., of Baltimore, Gould & Pell, agents, 568 Lighthouse ay. American Central Ins. Co., E. B. Gross, agent, 605 Lighthouse ay. American Fire Ins. Co., W. G. Alexander, agent„ 593 Light- house ay. American ins. Co., William T. Jenieon, agent, 210 Grand ay. Ames, E. E., cigars and tobacco and billiards, 211 Forest ay., r. 139 Fifteenth. Ames, Frank, shoemaker, r. 688 Laurel ay. Ames, Rosa Miss, r. 688 Laurel ay. Anderson, A. W., clerk, Holman's r. 250 Lighthouse ay. Anderson, Ellen Mrs., ensign Salvation Army, r. 502 Sixth. Anderson, Emerett Mrs., millinery, 401 Forest ay., r. same. Andrews, B. F., buiding contractor, r. ss Spruce ay. bet. 9th and 10th. Anestasi, P., Mrs., r. 313 Fourteenth. Anthony, Arthur H., sect' and tress J. C. Anthony Co., r. corner David and Spencer, New Monterey. Anthony, F. G., (J. C. Anthony Co.) r. corner David and Spencer, New Monterey. Anthony, J. C. Co., J. C. Anthony, pres.; H. W. Anthony, vice pres.; A. H. Anthony, eecy. and treas., general contract- ors, 227 Forest ay. Anthony, J. Clarence, pres. J. C. Anthony Co., r. 518 Fountain ay. Anthony, Herbert W., vice pres. J. C. Anthony Co.. r. 117 Ninth. , Heritage Society of Pacific Grove,Historical Collections,Misc materials,Misc old records Polk Directory etc,Polk Directories,1905 Polk Directory.pdf Page 1, 1905 Polk Directory.pdf Page 1



