CITY OF PACIFIC GROVE Community Development Department – Planning Division 300 Forest Avenue, Pacific Grove, CA 93950 T :: 831.648.3190 • F :: 831.648.3184 • www.ci.pg.ca.us/cdd Initial Historic Screening Determination Address: 622 Forest Ave. APN: 006-542-008 Owner: Leni Hazlet Applicant: John Moore HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMITTEE (HRC) RECOMMENDATION: At the ___November 18, 2020,________________ HRC meeting, the Committee prepared the following Preliminary Determination of Ineligibility and forwarded the recommendation to the Community Development Director: Determined to be ineligible as an “Historical Resource,” due to the following criteria: 1. The property has undergone significant alterations to the primary or most visible façade, as evidenced through original plans, photographs or Sanborn maps. • _________________ (description of known alteration) • _________________ (type of documentation) 2a. The property does not exhibit the architectural characteristics of the styles described in Section 7.3 of the General Plan or Section IV of the Historic Context Statement; or 2b. The property does not exhibit unique architectural, site or locational characteristics. 3. The property is not associated with important persons, events or architecture. Determination of ineligibility cannot be made. HRC Comments: Claudia Sawyer, HRC Chair Date COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR (CDD) DETERMINATION: Based on the recommendation above, the CDD Director, or their designee: Made a determination of ineligibility, which will remain in effect for 10 years from the date of approval. Found that a determination of ineligibility cannot be made, and a Phase 1 Historic Assessment is required. Anastazia Aziz, AICP, Director Date , OCR Text: CITY OF PACIFIC GROVE Community Development Department – Planning Division 300 Forest Avenue, Pacific Grove, CA 93950 T :: 831.648.3190 • F :: 831.648.3184 • www.ci.pg.ca.us/cdd Initial Historic Screening Determination Address: 622 Forest Ave. APN: 006-542-008 Owner: Leni Hazlet Applicant: John Moore HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMITTEE (HRC) RECOMMENDATION: At the ___November 18, 2020,________________ HRC meeting, the Committee prepared the following Preliminary Determination of Ineligibility and forwarded the recommendation to the Community Development Director: Determined to be ineligible as an “Historical Resource,” due to the following criteria: 1. The property has undergone significant alterations to the primary or most visible façade, as evidenced through original plans, photographs or Sanborn maps. • _________________ (description of known alteration) • _________________ (type of documentation) 2a. The property does not exhibit the architectural characteristics of the styles described in Section 7.3 of the General Plan or Section IV of the Historic Context Statement; or 2b. The property does not exhibit unique architectural, site or locational characteristics. 3. The property is not associated with important persons, events or architecture. Determination of ineligibility cannot be made. HRC Comments: Claudia Sawyer, HRC Chair Date COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR (CDD) DETERMINATION: Based on the recommendation above, the CDD Director, or their designee: Made a determination of ineligibility, which will remain in effect for 10 years from the date of approval. Found that a determination of ineligibility cannot be made, and a Phase 1 Historic Assessment is required. Anastazia Aziz, AICP, Director Date , Heritage Society of Pacific Grove,Historical Collections,Initial Historic Research to 2024,New IHS from 2020 to 03 2024,622_Forest_-_COMPLETE.pdf,622_Forest_-_COMPLETE.pdf Page 1, 622_Forest_-_COMPLETE.pdf Page 1



