B EIIU INE C UlTUIED HAIl. and Solid Sterlin, Sil.., C'OSS with delicate Sterling chain. FAMOUS S P EIDEL "BIG aof' CURa IDENT Popular ID bracelet by Speidel with handsome - heavy chain and Tro·lok fastening catch. FREE GIFTS FOR YOU L AND YOUR GIRL IMPORTED SWISS lHEWn MAN'S WATCH Stainless Steel Back, !7·jewels; full lever, incabloc movement; unbreakable main spring; anti·magnetic; shock·resistant; water resistantj matching expansion band. GIFTS FREE lOOKI Nothing to ch~ose. You get all three gifts FREE WITH YOU R PU RCHASE 8-$139 both rings S dazzling large diamonds, 14K Solid Gold. $6 TWICE MONTHLY F-$l89 for 3 rings nine large diamonds, 14K Solid Gold. $8 TWICE MONTHLY l I 1 I .... _ $129 for 3 rings one large sparkling dia- mond, 14K Solid Gold. $6 TWICE MONTHL-' ~$169 both rings eight large diamonds, 14K Solid Gold. $7 TWICE MONTHLY LOOK! Low Mijitary prices that save you money! LOOK! Fine quality diamonds and S..VE 'fOUR (ASK • No Money Down • No Age Requirements • • No Red Tape tS-$229 both rings ten large dazzling dia- monds, 14K Solid Gold. $10 TWICE MONTHLY precious 14K gold mount- ings your sweeth ea rt appreciates guaranteed in writing! ~ LOOK!Amazingthree free ' ~ gift bonus with every pur- chase! Tens of thousands of servicemen that buy from our companies have made tHis bonus possible. Now the largest military diamond companies pass along the volume savings to you with th is bonus! ,,,~_-._-t Ring illu$traliom enla rged to show d.tail r 0--$169 for man's ring large diamond in 14K Solid Gold. $7 TWICE MONTHLY ,' E-$179 for man's ring Beautiful genuine black star-sapphire with 7 dia- monds. 14K Solid Gold. $8 TWICE MONTHLY MailToday ForYour Rings &3Free Bonus Gifts RINGS RUSHED TO YOU OR YOUR GIRL I!"MEDIATELY Send me style # ...... Advertised at $.............. Ring Size..•.••.• and nothing to choose . • • you get all 3 gUts free. I agree to pay $............ twice monthly. or $............ monthly. My.Name....••.••••••••••••••.••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••..•••••••••••••••••••••••. M ilitary Address....•••......•....••••••••••••••••.•••..•....•~..••.•.••.••••••~.•••••• Home Address..••••••••••..••.••...••••.••••••••.....••.•...•.." .•••.•••...•••.••.•••• Serial Number..••••••••...••.••....•..•.• Rank........••..••.~•.••••••..••••••..•. Dis: harge Date..................................................._...•.•••.•..••.••••• Send to Sweetheart 0 Wife 0 Me 0 Her Name....................................................................._.•_.•••.•• Address.................................................................................... City.......................................................... State...................... Grant Jewelry Co., 8322 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles 48, California AAFF.8 1____ - - --- - ________________________ - ---4 LIFETIME GUARANTEE .Rings guaranteed for the lifetime of the purchaser. Center diamond replaced free when rings are returned if loss is not a result of misuse. IF COUPON IS CLIPPED? Write us a short note. Give us name, rank, serial number, dis· charge date and mi litary ad- dress. Tell us the rings you want and they will be shipped imme- diately. AND MAIL TO: Grant Jewelry Co., 8322 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles 48, California GRANT ~ JEWELRY ~ CO. 8322 BEVERLY BLVD. . LOS ANGELES 48, CALIFORNIA ! Published by W. B. Bradbury Co.• a private firm. Opinions expressed by the publishers ..nd Milit..,y Dep..,tment. The appeaun,e of advertisemenfs in this publication does not con· I ,~_____ w_';_ ..~n_h~.,_.;~n_.~'._t_h.~;,~. ~w ~ n~.~nd~ .,~.~n.~t~t.~b.~<.~n.~;d~.~,,~ d ~ .~n~ .f~/;~d~.l~.~xp~,,~.~~.~n~b~r~. ~ n~r___.~t;~tu~t.~.~n~.~nd=.=n. ~m~.~nt~b~y~.~ny~M~;~lit = .. ~y~D~.p~.~'t~m~.n~t~.f~t~h.~p~,~.d~.~d~.=.'~.= ..~v;=<. =.~ .~dv=.~,"= ..=d~ . ____-' y I Published by W. B. • radbllllry Co., a prj.-Gte ftnrt. Opinion, expressed by the publishers and writers herein or. th.i, OW" ond or. not to be consider.d on officiol expr.uion by ony Militcuy Deport..ent. Th. oppeotonce o' odvertid ... nh in this pubfico.tiOft does not con· st,1ute on . nclon....nt by ony Military O.port....nt of th. products or " ",icet och·.rti••d. VOWME 8 AU6UST, 1961 rlllllllRIES The Scory of Captain M aurice L. Briit N ORTH OF MIGNANO, ITAL>: ON THE MORNING OF 10 NOVEMBER , 1945, CAPTAIN BRITT, THEN A LIEUTENANT, LED A HANDFUL OF MEN REPELLlN(; A COUNTERATTACK BY 100 GERMANS. •. THE ENEMY lISED HAND GRENADES AND C/.OSE-RANGE MACHINE PISTOLS, MACHfNE GUN AND RIFt.E FIRE. OURIN<7 THE 'NTENSE FIGHTING, LT. BRfTT'S C4NTEEN AND FIELD GLASSES WERE SHATTERED .., r--=="'-7I""--'I:'Id A BUtLET PIERCED THE LlCUTENANT'S SIDE, ANO HIS CHEST, PACE AND HANDS WE!?E COVERED WITH GRENADE WOUNDS... DESPITE HIS WOUNDS, LT. BRITT PERSONALLY KIllED FIVE AND WOUNDED AN UNKNOWN NUMBER. OF GERMANS... SEVERAL AMERICAN SOLDo'ERS, WHO WERE CAPTURED BY THE GERMANS, WERE ABLE TO ESCAPE AS A /i'ESULT OF "T, BRITT'S DEEDS ... N OT UNTIL THE BATTL.E WAS OVER 010 "T. BRITT At5REE TO HAVe HIS WOUNOS TAKEN CARE OF, AND THEN IT TOOK AN ORDER BY HIS BATTA- 1.10101 COMMANDER TO GET HIM TO ACCEPT THIS MEDICAL ATTENTION... .[''',,",0] . IN u·.s·... J.T. BRITT's lINDAUNTEO COURAGE AND PROWESS IN ARMS WERE LARGELY RESPONSI Bt.E. FOR REPULS- 11016 A GE~MAIY COUNTER- {<; ATTACK, WHIC~ IF SUCCESSFUl., WOU/.D HAVE ISOLATED HIS BATTALION DESTROYED HIS COMPANY. FOR Cr>NSPICt(· CXI.5 GALLANTRY AT THE RISK 0 HIS OWN liFE, LIEUTENANT MAURICE BRITT WAS AWARDED THE AlEOA/. o.c HOI\>O~ . , OCR Text: B EIIU INE C UlTUIED HAIl. and Solid Sterlin, Sil.., C'OSS with delicate Sterling chain. FAMOUS S P EIDEL "BIG aof' CURa IDENT Popular ID bracelet by Speidel with handsome - heavy chain and Tro·lok fastening catch. FREE GIFTS FOR YOU L AND YOUR GIRL IMPORTED SWISS lHEWn MAN'S WATCH Stainless Steel Back, !7·jewels; full lever, incabloc movement; unbreakable main spring; anti·magnetic; shock·resistant; water resistantj matching expansion band. GIFTS FREE lOOKI Nothing to ch~ose. You get all three gifts FREE WITH YOU R PU RCHASE 8-$139 both rings S dazzling large diamonds, 14K Solid Gold. $6 TWICE MONTHLY F-$l89 for 3 rings nine large diamonds, 14K Solid Gold. $8 TWICE MONTHLY l I 1 I .... _ $129 for 3 rings one large sparkling dia- mond, 14K Solid Gold. $6 TWICE MONTHL-' ~$169 both rings eight large diamonds, 14K Solid Gold. $7 TWICE MONTHLY LOOK! Low Mijitary prices that save you money! LOOK! Fine quality diamonds and S..VE 'fOUR (ASK • No Money Down • No Age Requirements • • No Red Tape tS-$229 both rings ten large dazzling dia- monds, 14K Solid Gold. $10 TWICE MONTHLY precious 14K gold mount- ings your sweeth ea rt appreciates guaranteed in writing! ~ LOOK!Amazingthree free ' ~ gift bonus with every pur- chase! Tens of thousands of servicemen that buy from our companies have made tHis bonus possible. Now the largest military diamond companies pass along the volume savings to you with th is bonus! ,,,~_-._-t Ring illu$traliom enla rged to show d.tail r 0--$169 for man's ring large diamond in 14K Solid Gold. $7 TWICE MONTHLY ,' E-$179 for man's ring Beautiful genuine black star-sapphire with 7 dia- monds. 14K Solid Gold. $8 TWICE MONTHLY MailToday ForYour Rings &3Free Bonus Gifts RINGS RUSHED TO YOU OR YOUR GIRL I!"MEDIATELY Send me style # ...... Advertised at $.............. Ring Size..•.••.• and nothing to choose . • • you get all 3 gUts free. I agree to pay $............ twice monthly. or $............ monthly. My.Name....••.••••••••••••••.••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••..•••••••••••••••••••••••. M ilitary Address....•••......•....••••••••••••••••.•••..•....•~..••.•.••.••••••~.•••••• Home Address..••••••••••..••.••...••••.••••••••.....••.•...•.." .•••.•••...•••.••.•••• Serial Number..••••••••...••.••....•..•.• Rank........••..••.~•.••••••..••••••..•. Dis: harge Date..................................................._...•.•••.•..••.••••• Send to Sweetheart 0 Wife 0 Me 0 Her Name....................................................................._.•_.•••.•• Address.................................................................................... City.......................................................... State...................... Grant Jewelry Co., 8322 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles 48, California AAFF.8 1____ - - --- - ________________________ - ---4 LIFETIME GUARANTEE .Rings guaranteed for the lifetime of the purchaser. Center diamond replaced free when rings are returned if loss is not a result of misuse. IF COUPON IS CLIPPED? Write us a short note. Give us name, rank, serial number, dis· charge date and mi litary ad- dress. Tell us the rings you want and they will be shipped imme- diately. AND MAIL TO: Grant Jewelry Co., 8322 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles 48, California GRANT ~ JEWELRY ~ CO. 8322 BEVERLY BLVD. . LOS ANGELES 48, CALIFORNIA ! Published by W. B. Bradbury Co.• a private firm. Opinions expressed by the publishers ..nd Milit..,y Dep..,tment. The appeaun,e of advertisemenfs in this publication does not con· I ,~_____ w_';_ ..~n_h~.,_.;~n_.~'._t_h.~;,~. ~w ~ n~.~nd~ .,~.~n.~t~t.~b.~<.~n.~;d~.~,,~ d ~ .~n~ .f~/;~d~.l~.~xp~,,~.~~.~n~b~r~. ~ n~r___.~t;~tu~t.~.~n~.~nd=.=n. ~m~.~nt~b~y~.~ny~M~;~lit = .. ~y~D~.p~.~'t~m~.n~t~.f~t~h.~p~,~.d~.~d~.=.'~.= ..~v;=<. =.~ .~dv=.~,"= ..=d~ . ____-' y I Published by W. B. • radbllllry Co., a prj.-Gte ftnrt. Opinion, expressed by the publishers and writers herein or. th.i, OW" ond or. not to be consider.d on officiol expr.uion by ony Militcuy Deport..ent. Th. oppeotonce o' odvertid ... nh in this pubfico.tiOft does not con· st,1ute on . nclon....nt by ony Military O.port....nt of th. products or " ",icet och·.rti••d. VOWME 8 AU6UST, 1961 rlllllllRIES The Scory of Captain M aurice L. Briit N ORTH OF MIGNANO, ITAL>: ON THE MORNING OF 10 NOVEMBER , 1945, CAPTAIN BRITT, THEN A LIEUTENANT, LED A HANDFUL OF MEN REPELLlN(; A COUNTERATTACK BY 100 GERMANS. •. THE ENEMY lISED HAND GRENADES AND C/.OSE-RANGE MACHINE PISTOLS, MACHfNE GUN AND RIFt.E FIRE. OURIN<7 THE 'NTENSE FIGHTING, LT. BRfTT'S C4NTEEN AND FIELD GLASSES WERE SHATTERED .., r--=="'-7I""--'I:'Id A BUtLET PIERCED THE LlCUTENANT'S SIDE, ANO HIS CHEST, PACE AND HANDS WE!?E COVERED WITH GRENADE WOUNDS... DESPITE HIS WOUNDS, LT. BRITT PERSONALLY KIllED FIVE AND WOUNDED AN UNKNOWN NUMBER. OF GERMANS... SEVERAL AMERICAN SOLDo'ERS, WHO WERE CAPTURED BY THE GERMANS, WERE ABLE TO ESCAPE AS A /i'ESULT OF "T, BRITT'S DEEDS ... N OT UNTIL THE BATTL.E WAS OVER 010 "T. BRITT At5REE TO HAVe HIS WOUNOS TAKEN CARE OF, AND THEN IT TOOK AN ORDER BY HIS BATTA- 1.10101 COMMANDER TO GET HIM TO ACCEPT THIS MEDICAL ATTENTION... .[''',,",0] . IN u·.s·... J.T. BRITT's lINDAUNTEO COURAGE AND PROWESS IN ARMS WERE LARGELY RESPONSI Bt.E. FOR REPULS- 11016 A GE~MAIY COUNTER- {<; ATTACK, WHIC~ IF SUCCESSFUl., WOU/.D HAVE ISOLATED HIS BATTALION DESTROYED HIS COMPANY. FOR Cr>NSPICt(· CXI.5 GALLANTRY AT THE RISK 0 HIS OWN liFE, LIEUTENANT MAURICE BRITT WAS AWARDED THE AlEOA/. o.c HOI\>O~ . , China Lake Museum,Rocketeer Newspaper,Rocketeer 1960s,Rocketeer 1962,AFF8.17.1962.pdf,AFF8.17.1962.pdf Page 1, AFF8.17.1962.pdf Page 1



